Sansevieria cylinidrica spaghetti - Snake plant

Sansevieria cylinidrica spaghetti - Snake plant

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Sansevieria are some of the most popular houseplants today. This is due in part to their almost indestructible nature and adaptability to growing conditions and location. Snake Plants are succulents and store water in their leaves, making them fairly resilient to neglect. They are some of the most shade tolerant houseplants available, making them a superb choice for any home or office.

They are excellent air-purifying plant and will provide some extra oxygen to your space.

Light: These plants will tolerate low to bright indirect light, but if you want faster growth, place them in bright indirect light.

Water: Water this plant only when the soil is completely dry.

Temperature: Average household temperatures

Feed: Use a ½-strength complete liquid once a month during the growing season.

Size: Pot Diameter x Total Height - 12cm x 40cm
Choose a cover pot with a 14cm+ opening